Sunday, June 22, 2008

Just A Dream??

Dreams. We all have them, even if we don't remember them. It has even been said that on average most people have anywhere from 4-6 dreams everynight, and only one or two will be remembered in the morning.

So, we've all been there. You wake up with a sick stomach and a horrible feeling. You brush it off...after all "It's just a dream...." But is it really "just" a dream?? Or could it be something more??

Recently I went through a break-up. Beginning approximately a two months before our split, I started having dreams about him being mean to me, getting upset easily, and ignoring me. I told him about some of them, but he replied with that cliche' "It's just a dream, baby, I would never do that to you!" Outside of my dream realm, things were normal enough for the next two months. Then, out of nowhere, he calls me and breaks up with me...acting exactly as he had in my dreams. This is where my question for you comes in, do you think that dreams are all signals, warnings, and fortellings of our future? Or, perhaps, are they just the results of eating too close to bedtime? Whatever the answer maybe, I'm sure that it is most likely a mix of the two. So the next time you start having that reoccurring dream, you may want to think twice and say a prayer before you sweep it away to the back of your mind. Who knows, it may be your warning sign. Be wise, take heed.

1 comment:

Anthony Merrick said...

=/ i still wanna punch him lol